Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Welding Shop/ Temporary Living Quarters

We are almost finished with the tin on the building.  Unfortunately we were 3 sheets of tin short for the overhang.  Since they need to go on before the roof tin, that's why there are sheets of tin missing on the roof as well.  We also need to have the end wall finished.  This all happened on Friday.  Our tin guy said they would be back this week to finish up and we kinda expect that they will be there tomorrow. 
We have electric rough in to complete before they come back to do the insulation which will be first week in February.  As soon as they get started we will give a heads up to the contractor who will build our temporary living quarters. 
So good progress...we had hoped to begin moving stuff in by my birthday which is next week on Thursday.  Not going to happen but you gotta learn to go with the flow or it will drive you crazy.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Electricity and Plumbing

 We've  had a very productive couple of weeks.  We were able to get all our trenches dug for the electrical lines and water.  Septic tank connected and all the lateral lines that go with it done.  Electrical lines put into conduit and pulled from box to far side of shop/living quarters.  Water connected (no leaks!!) all the way to where it enters the shop/living quarters.
Tin guys were there on Wednesday but rain arrived and they left.  It's fairly dangerous to try and put up tin in the rain.  One slip and you've lost a hand..or foot or severed a major artery.  We had rain up until Friday morning and hoped they come back maybe on Saturday but they did not.  Pretty sure they will be there tomorrow and they will finish putting the end walls up, the roof and the overhang.  It's possible that by the end of the day tomorrow we have a dried in building...Pretty exciting stuff!