Wednesday, March 23, 2022


We had talked to a bunch of wood floor installers and everyone's bid was just too high.  We had the material, we had the glue, the room is basically a rectangle and the stone Mason undercut the mortar so you could just measure to go right up underneath.  Bob and I had resigned to do it ourselves.  We'd done our wood floors at the old home, this was a bit different. Instead of nailing it gets glued down.  We didnt really want to do it but if push came to shove we certainly could.  But at the 9th hour a local guy came forward with a price that was perfect and so they started on Monday, today is Wednesday and they will be done by Friday. 
Very happy with it.  Its a random pattern and I love the variations in the wood coloring.  You cant see it in the pictures but closer inspection of the actual boards and you see ripples and dips so it mimics real wood boards.  Which is exactly what we were going for.  
I've also heard from the concrete stain guy and he starts on Monday.  Whoop!
This is what we are shooting for.  

Sunday, March 20, 2022

1 year and 1 month in!

Yes, we are well over a year into this build and we still aren't in and dont really expect to be in before June.  Even after the builder has been paid and accounts settled we still have septic to do and a yard fence to build to keep the cows out.  They could easily destroy any sort of plantings, mess up the porches, destroy the outside A/C units and who wants to wade through cow poop?  So I dont expect to be moved in and actually living in the house till maybe August?  It could happen sooner but I don't expect or anticipate it.
The light is up for the dining table (yet to be built).
Its a stunner in my opinion.  
Kirby the plumber was finally back to do his  half hour of work so Gerald the tile man could do the tub surround. 
Now I ask you dear readers...notice something missing here in this last picture?  No, it's not the tub....give up?  There is no hole for the water faucet.... O.K., you have 1 job.....and you forgot?  How in hell?  I'm stymied frankly.  Not only that but how can the general contractor be making any money ( especially in these high gas, supply times) when you have people coming all the way out here to do 15 minutes worth of work.  It's like they have never worked before and it reeks of unprofessionalism.  SMH...
Andres Gaspar the rock Mason is coming back to cut down the hearth.  This was a mistake of ours...the base extends too far out into the room so hes gonna cut it down about a foot and a half.  Hopefully he can salvage the rock he cuts away because the GC came and got the leftovers.  Which by the by really belonged to us...we paid for it....but sometimes things are just not worth arguing over and it would only delay stuff even more.
Finally got a bid in on the hardwood flooring and that will be going in this week.  It's kinda backasswards as the concrete staining should happen first but it's all about scheduling and when people can get to stuff in a timely manner.  
Meanwhile although the outside trim is not done Bob and I got busy with dirt work.
We arent making much of a yard and certainly not planting grass.  It will be all native plants and bushes so that it takes care of itself.  Who wants yard work at our age?  All this dirt is courtesy of the driveway improvement project that the 4 land owners have a stake in.  Mostly it's just making the bar ditches deeper so the water washes more into the culverts and streams then washing out the drive.  It would have cost Bob and I $$$$$ to have this dirt brought in and they needed someplace to dump the dirt from the bar ditches and it costs to truck it out so we volunteered our place to dump it.  It's a win- win situation if ever there was one. 
That's the update for now.  Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Woefully behind

Not them, well yes, them but also me on posting.
So we now have lights and ceiling fans up!  Whoop whoop.  It IS beginning to resemble a home now. 
The light that Bob created for his Fly tying room.
Lots of light with that sucker!
Living area.
Our bedroom.
The A/C outside units were put in place and hooked up but the units wouldn't talk to the heat pump.  Apparently a bad relay switch is the cause so that should be rectified on Saturday.
The crew is here to put on the outside trim, soffits and roofs ( underneath) on both porches.
We've also had the cabinet person come out and measure for cabinets so hopefully cabinets in about 4 weeks.  
We've had visits from a couple of people to lay the engineered Hardwood but so far the bids have been way high so Bob and I might just tackle the installation ourselves.  And last but not least we've had a visit from the finish trim guy.  Said very little, asked a couple of questions and measured and left.  I have no idea how that will come out.  So that about covers everything up to this point.  I'm getting trash out of the house in anticipation of the trailer the GC will bring to haul it off.  I hate a messy work area!