We ended up moving in around the 2nd or 3rd week of June. Our dog Bonnie passed away on May 22. We had hoped that she would pass in the night or on the porch of the home in Georgetown or up here while she was resting on her bed and looking out at the pasture. That didn't happen and we had to make the difficult decision to euthanize her. Our Vet was kind enough to allow us to have her pass away in our truck when she spent her happiest days with Bob. It was a devastating loss to both Bob and I because she was just 14 years old. We have been very fortunate to have some very long lived dogs...17, 18 and even 19 years old...so to lose her, our very best dog, at 14 was extremely heart wrenching. We had decided to bury her out here at the new place. So she is buried under a huge live oak tree just a stones throw from where we will build the new house. It's still very sad and when we pass by her grave going from one pasture to another we will wave and blow a kiss. She was our last dog. We had decided that when our Pepper died in 2012. We had 40 wonderful years with dogs and gave them the best lives possible. They were all loved beyond measure but at this stage in our lives we are just tired of having to say goodby. It hurts far too much. I do not miss the anxious feeling I would get when she wasn't eating properly. Or when I knew in my heart that we needed to make another trip to the Vet. I do not miss the expense of her medication although we would have spent a fortune to get her well if possible. I think we all reach a point where we know no matter what we do....she is still going to die. I miss having a dog around....40 years of habit do not disappear overnight. I still get a feeling that I'm missing something when I get in the car to go grocery shopping or if Bob and I happen to be out late and I think we need to get back so that we can let the dog out to do her business. It will pass. Time will heal but it does take time.
This is Bonnies final resting place.