That my friends is the beginning of a foundation.....we are moving along. This is the begining of the slab.
For those that aren't familiar with just how a slab is built...let me explain. A simplified version as you will.
First you decide where you want to put for monetary sake ideally you want to find as flat a place as possible...that's because the more uneven the site...the more the whole thing is gonna cost....more fill, more concrete = more money.
So what happens first is you figure out where you are going to build. Then you hire a concrete contractor who has a crew and they take over.
The shoot the site for level and then they place what they call batten boards up in four corners. You see those in the foreground of this's to the left of the sight level....3 boards vertical and one board horzontial. On to that vertical they put in a nail and on that nail they tie a string....that string is run from one corner to the next ....this becomes a rough area of where within they will build. Lots of measurements are taken and they decide with the measurements of what you want how to put up the boards that will hold in the concrete to form the slab.
There are 2 kinds of has a grid of rebar that runs all the way through it....the other is done with a couple of trenches and wire cables placed within. The rebar is an old fashioned way and although the cable kind has its advantages...we prefer to have the old fashioned rebar.
These two pictures above just show the foundation from a different angle.
After they get up the outside boards and supports the bring in fill called "screenings" to level up the pad. It's not exact but its pretty close. Kinda amazing.
After they shoot it again with the site level they are ready for plastic and the rebar.
There it is, ready for the concrete trucks.
Ain't she a beaut! There she is in all her glory. Lots of troweling going on after this is all said and done.
I just thought that I'd insert this video in case no one as ever seen a concrete pour.
Corner posts are up and we've just begun to add the center posts. Next picture shows just more of the framing.
The vertical picture is of the 2 rafters that will be evenly spaced from each end. The end rafters are made out of something completely different.
Last picture is just more of the framing.
The next thing we will do is rent a lift to begin placing the rafters. Once all the rafters are placed we begin to put on the purlins. Those are the supports that go between the rafters. After those are placed we can begin to put the tin on.

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