Monday, June 28, 2021

Mixed Feelings

I just found out that our old home that we sold has been turned into an Airbnb.

I have mixed feelings about it.  On one hand it doesnt belong to us anymore, we sold it.  On the other hand it was a home that Bob and I built.  There was a lot of love that went into building that place and somehow turning it into an Airbnb just doesnt set well with me.  I guess because the new owners kept writing me and telling me just how much they " loved" it.  I kept saying that I hoped they would have many years of making wonderful memories like we had....gonna have to sit on this one a while....


  1. Yeah, it sucks. But it's still better than them tearing it down and building some god-awful atrocity. I've found over the years, and the more an owner shows that they love a place, the more likely savvy buyers are to say they're leaving everything alone even if they have no plans for that at all

    1. I agree, they could of bulldozed it and other than painting and trimming trees, putting a hot tub on the porch ( eye roll here), building a fence and cleaning up the gardens they didn't change it. My brother in law had the best advice and that was:"think of it this way, instead of just one other family making memories, a whole lot of people will be making memories. Hopefully another engagement or a wedding shower or baby shower or special anniversary." Now that's making lemonade out of lemons!
