Sunday, March 21, 2021

Getting into position

That big Live Oak right there will be at the back right of the patio.  If you look real close you can see a bit of orange...that's the back corner right of the house.  The front door would be just to my left and looking out toward the opposite way.
Fill has arrived.  This is ( for those who dont know how a home is built) for the slab.  This helps level up the ground and build up areas that are low.  It's also where your plumbing sits...most people think plumbing is in the slab...its not, its actually in this fill in trenches.  It leaves space for stuff like pea traps etc.  Gotta have those if you want your water to drain.  
Surprise,  surprise, surprise.  Tin for house has arrived...early.  was supposed to be here on Monday but it came today.  Lots to do before it can be put on but its here.  
I had hoped to post pictures of the fill being spread and the forming up for the slab.  But as with all things eagerly anticipated we have been delayed.  Not sure of exactly why other than the crew did not finish up with the job preceding ours so hopefully tomorrow which is Monday March 22.  
The picture above shows the corner of the shop.  In the middle of the picture is part of a bucket that we buried to show us where we made a junction for the electric wire and the water line for the house.
this is the trench that will carry the electric line, water and possibly coaxial cable for the internet.  Our antenna is here at the shop and we dont want to move it because if we should ever have long term guests then they can stay in temp quarters and have TV and internet.
I think if you blow up this last picture you can see the end of the trench and just beyond that will be the house.
This white pipe will carry our water from the well to the house.  The larger pipe will serve as a protective covering for the electric line and coaxial cable.  You cannot direct bury that kind of stuff in the ground as it can erode and then youd have to dig the whole line up to find out where your trouble spots are.  Probably against some code somewhere as well.  
This is the electric line that goes from the meter all the way down to the house.  
Here it is all spaced out and ready to have a piece of mule tape threaded through before we glue it up and then pull the wire.
All glued up and in the trench for now.  Cows walk through here and we dont want them stepping on the pipe.  All caught up now on progress till we get guys in to spread fill and start framing.  Fingers crossed it's this week.  Although now weather report says tomorrow is 50% chance of rain....

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