Saturday, April 3, 2021

Here we go!

The crew came out and placed these stakes for the corners.
So they dig the parameter first and the shoot a string line to find what is level.  We thought this area was fairly level but theres about 2 feet difference from one side to the other.
So heres what it looks like before they start framing it out.

And here it is framed.  You can see on the left side there are more boards than on the right side.  Looks caddiewompus but that absolutely level from side to side, front to back.  
There is a trench that spans the length of the house and there are 2 trenches that intersect this trench.  The trenches have several jobs.  This is where some plumbing will run in conduit and also electric lines in conduit also.  The electric in this particular home is not much because I only have one line that needs to go in the middle of the floor.  It's actually for some plugs in my island in the kitchen.  It's also for a dedicated plug for my freezer drawers that are also in the island.  The rest of the electric will be strung through the walls.  
That's it for today.  I met with the plumber this morning to go over the rough in.  Hes supposed to be back on friday to start the rough in.  Then I think maybe the electrician comes to do his small part just for this stage.  Then comes I believe the plastic and rebar.  

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