Sunday, October 17, 2021


For those that don't know what that normal all f*@ked up.  Excuse my french.  Sometimes you just have to say the worst word. 
So the crew brought out a small mini hoe to finish digging the trench to lay the rest of the electrical line.  But they couldn't find the rough out for the electric....hmmm we could of sworn it was out the side.  So we went inside and shown  flashlight down the conduit to see which way it pointed and it pointed out toward the back of the house.
You see where the stick touches the tin...yep, that's where the stub out is.  Now if our GC had been paying attention he would have caught this BEFORE they poured the back porch.  
Of course everyone in the crew said we could just go through the  Our home and we aren't OK with this.  Not on our watch, this is not our problem to solve. It's the GC AND he needs to solve it to our satisfaction and going through the wall IS NOT an option.  
Bob and I studied on it a while and came up with a solution that the GC is not going to like cause its costing him more money but hes not keeping his eye on things the way he should so tuff tiddy said the kitty when the milk ran dry.  
We can move the position of the box inside and GC can rent a core driller and set it up at an angle near the edge of the slab and drill out the concrete.  If they do it correctly the hole will be covered up with landscaping dirt.  So problem solved.  And as it turns out the plumber has a core driller.  So they just have to get back out here and do it.  
They should have been here last week but I think the excuse was the rain.  We didnt get but 1 3/8" so no excuses as far as we are concerned.  
Someone better be here tomorrow.  

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