Saturday, October 9, 2021

"Unofficially Dried In"

I say Unofficially because we still have 2 windows on a back order so although they are framed out, the tin covers the spaces and will have to be cut out so they can install them.  And there is still the trim and soffits to put on but Hobie got pulled for another job for the day.  It's what happens when there is a shortage of workers.  We are hoping that will change soon.  
Next thing is electrical and they finished digging the trench from where we left off to the house.  Electrician is supposed to be here on Monday to hook that up.  Next is the  plumbing which may happen at same time as the electrical if the plumber is free.
Meanwhile, this week Bob and I will be going to San Saba to talk with the stone Mason about the sandstone surround where the lower tin is and for the columns that will hold up the porch roofs.  We will actually get to pick out our pallets of stone and that's fairly exciting to me.  
So here are latest pictures.
The first picture is an end wall and has another window in it but it's one that is back ordered.  
4th picture is the front of the house and there is a picture window that goes in that wall but is the other window that is back ordered.
The piles of dirt that are in the 3rd picture is fill that will go around the house.  The other 3 land owners and Bob and I are having some repair work done to the 2 mile stretch that makes up our driveways.  The excess dirt is being deposited on our property #1 because it's cheaper than hauling it off and #2 we need it!  So it's a win- win situation.

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