Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Time to put on my big girl panties!

Sometimes you want what you want and you have to learn how to ask for it.  And for some people like me...its hard but you have to do it or you know you arent going to be happy.
The texture guys are here.  I've met with them several times to try and get them to  understand the kind of finish we want on the walls. 
We really wanted this:
Which I was told was a stucco finish (very common in AZ.) and incredibly expensive here.  O.K., we arent super rich and are trying to stick to a generous budget but O.K.  Bob and I will look for something else.
We decided on this:
Rustic enough for what we are trying to achieve and a 1 step process achieved with just a trowel and the mastic they put on the walls.  
So the first coat has gone on and they call me down to look at it.  Unfortunately for you dear reader I didnt take a picture but it left a little to be desired.  I told them it was O.K. and walked up to the house but I knew I wasnt going to be satisfied....it just wasnt right and I couldn't put my finger on it.  Finally it dawned on me that what wasn't right is that there wasn't enough texture....the hills and valleys ( for lack of proper terms) were too spaced out.  I himmed and hawed about it and finally had to put on my big girl panties and go down and tell them.  So this is what I got after I showed them the picture.
It's a little hard to see because this is the first coat and once the paint goes on you will see more shadows and texture but we are on the right track.  
I'm hoping second coat will have even more " texture" to it.  Seems to me that it would be easy to achieve but I've never done this type of work so I don't know.  But still.....

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